Autonomous glider control and planning RL Student: Erwan Lecarpentier (2020) Partners: |
Autonomous boat control and planning RL Students: Paul Barde, Tristan Karch (2018) Partners: |
Earth observation satelite scheduling OR and RL Students: Timothée Jammot (2021), Mehdi Zouitine (ongoing) Partners: |
Telecommunication routing in satellite constellations OR Student: François Lamothe (2021) Partners: |
Power network scheduling OR and RL Student: Paul Strang (ongoing) Partners: |
Autopilot stress testing RL Student: Paul-Antoine Le Tolguenec (ongoing) Partners: |
Aircraft Landing schedules OR and RL Student: Sana Ikli (2021) Partners: |
Aircraft structural load forecasting ML Student: Ankit Chiplunkar (2017) Partners: |
Robotic navigation RL Student: Hedwin Bonnavaud (ongoing) Partners: |
Cancer treatment RL Student: Alexandre Bertin (ongoing) Partners: |
Fluid flow control RL Students: Sandrine Berger (2023), Brice Martin (ongoing) Partners: |